TA position
Dr. Felicia Thomas is hiring a TA for spring 2023. If you are interested, here are the application requirements!
Dr. Felicia Thomas is hiring a TA for spring 2023. If you are interested, here are the application requirements!
Peer Health Navigators for selfsea communities:
Are you a young adult passionate about health equity? Peer Health Exchange is looking for volunteers, ages 18-24, to facilitate inclusive and welcoming online discussion forums about mental health, sexual health, identity, and more for our selfsea communities, an online community built with and for young people ages 13-18, that launched last spring!. To learn more about the position, and apply here:
Peer Health Navigators
Are you a young adult passionate about health equity? Peer Health Exchange is looking for volunteers, ages 18-24, to facilitate inclusive and welcoming online discussion forums about mental health, sexual health, identity, and more for our selfsea communities, an online community built with and for young people ages 13-18, that launched last spring!. To learn more about the position, and apply here:
Peer Health Navigators
Exciting opportunity for rising Junior and Senior students to spend Summer 2023 at the University of Southern California (USC) in our Jumpstart Program. Based in Los Angeles, selected students will be placed with a USC faculty host in a research opportunity that ranges from lab-based research to mentored participation in other types of faculty projects. Apply by Wednesday, February 15, 2023
for more information can be found on the pdf on this link:
Jumpstart Program
for more information can be found on the pdf on this link:
Jumpstart Program